Public Transport


The following public transport is available for a trip to Bologna:

- train: you need to drive to Pianoro station (12 km, 15 minutes) and catch the train for Bologna arriving from Prato. Free parking. For train times please visit the Trenitalia website:  

A single ticket costs EUR 2.20

- 906 bus Monghidoro-Loiano-Bologna: park your car in the nearby hamlet of Sabbioni (1950 m away) and catch the bus. You can buy a ticket on board but it will be cheaper if purchased from the nearby bar.

- No. 13 BUS: drive to Bologna and park for free near the bus stop in Via Toscana or at the end of the line in Via Pavese. You will travel to the centre of Bologna and the nearest stop to Piazza Maggiore is Via Farini or Piazza Minghetti. Please note that it follows a different route on T-days (Saturday, Sunday and public holidays):

-to the airport: there is a shuttle service between Bologna railway station and Marconi Airport

Please ask your hosts for any further information about routes and times.